ML Security & Compliance Technologies
Advanced frameworks for securing ML infrastructure and ensuring compliance.
HashiCorp Vault
Vault implements sophisticated secrets management with dynamic secret generation and automated rotation. It provides advanced features like encryption as a service with key management and transit encryption. The system includes automated authentication with multiple auth methods and identity management. Features include fine-grained access control with policy-based authorization. Implements secure secret storage with seal/unseal mechanisms and HSM integration.
cert-manager implements automated certificate management with sophisticated issuance and renewal capabilities. It provides advanced features like ACME protocol support and custom certificate authorities. The system includes automated certificate rotation with configurable renewal windows. Features include certificate signing request management and validation webhooks. Implements efficient certificate distribution with secret injection and mounting.
OPA (Open Policy Agent)
OPA implements policy-as-code with sophisticated policy evaluation and decision making. It provides advanced features like distributed policy enforcement and policy composition. The system includes efficient policy evaluation with partial evaluation and decision caching. Features include policy testing frameworks and impact analysis tools. Implements sophisticated policy distribution with versioning and consistency guarantees.
Kyverno implements policy management for Kubernetes with sophisticated validation and mutation capabilities. It provides advanced features like image verification and configuration validation. The system includes automated policy enforcement with audit and enforce modes. Features include policy reporting with violation tracking and compliance monitoring. Implements efficient policy evaluation with admission webhooks and background scanning.